11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Vertigo (2015 Feature Film)

Alfred Hitchcock | USA | 1958 | 128 min | English

Everything’s about doubles in this masterpiece by the 'master of suspense', which since 2012 is officially the best film of all time. A detective who retired because his vertigo made work impossible falls in love with his friend’s wife. After her death, he foists his obsession with her onto her double.

When Vertigo was released in 1958 you couldn’t have predicted that 50 years later, critics would select it as the best film of all time. On the contrary: the press was negative and audiences didn’t flock to the cinemas. Hitchcock blamed the cast: James Stewart was perhaps too old for his role – the actor was after all 25 years older than actress Kim Novak. However, it is that age difference that makes Vertigo all the more interesting. It makes Stewart’s character’s developing obsession with Madeleine, the wife of one of his friends, extra uncomfortable. Former cop ‘Scottie’ Ferguson isn’t a hero, but an anti-hero.

Ferguson is left a broken man after his vertigo contributes to Madeleine’s death. But then he meets Judy, his secret love’s double. While he gradually remakes her into Madeleine, the game that’s being played with him reveals itself.

Place: The Cinemas 1

Date: 26 March 2015

Time: 15:45

Duration: 2:15

Place: The Cinemas 6

Date: 29 March 2015

Time: 10:45

Duration: 2:15

Year in



Alfred Hitchcock


Robert Burks


James Stewart
Kim Novak
Barbara Bel Geddes
Tom Helmore
Henry Jones
Raymond Bailey
Ellen Corby




George Tomasini




128 min


Bernard Herrmann

Production Company

Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions

Production Design

Henry Bumstead
Hal Pereira


based on the screenplay by Alec Coppel
Samuel Taylor and a novel by Pierre Boileau
Thomas Narcejac

Year of Production


Alfred HITCHCOCK (1899, Verenigd Koninkrijk – 1980, Verenigde Staten) werd in 1920 ontwerper van titelplaten. Niet lang daarna was hij hoofd van zijn afdeling en mocht hij af en toe zelf iets regisseren. Al snel maakte hij vervolgens de stap van regieassistent naar regisseur. Met films als The 39 Steps (1935) en The Lady Vanishes (1938) vestigde hij zijn reputatie als maker van thrillers. Vanaf 1940 werkte hij in de Verenigde Staten. Hij is een van die zeldzame regisseurs die zowel een groot publiek aan zich kon binden als enthousiaste kritieken genereren.



(selection) The Pleasure Garden (1925), The Ring (1927), Blackmail (1929), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), The 39 Steps (1935), The Lady Vanishes (1938), Lifeboat (1944), Spellbound (1945), Dial M for Murder (1954), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956, remake), Vertigo (1958), North By Northwest (1959), Psycho (1960), The Birds (1963)