11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

The Party (2018 Feature Film)

Sally POTTER | United Kingdom | 2017 | black-and-white | DCP | 71′ | English | d.s.

Janet hosts an intimate gathering of friends to celebrate her new promotion, but once the guests arrive it becomes clear that not everything is going to go down as smoothly as the champagne. A black comedy, full of sharp dialogues.

Janet (Kristin Scott Thomas) has just received an important position in British politics and is having a small party at her house to celebrate. Invited are her friend April (Patricia Clarkson), with her estranged German partner Gottfried, Women’s studies professor Martha, with her partner Jinny, a renowned chef, and Janet’s colleague Marianne with husband Tom. While the friends arrive, the party gets a dramatic turn when Bill (Timothy Spall), Janet’s husband, makes a shocking announcement. It turns out not to be his only secret and the other guests are dragged along in the accumulation of revelations and confrontations. 

Love, friendship and political ideals are put at risk. As the sophisticated soiree starts to unravel, a night that began with champagne soon ends up with arguments, shouting, and a pointed gun. A both wry and hilarious portrait of a group of friends who see their certainties falling apart.

Place: The Cinemas 1

Date: 11 April 2018

Time: 21:45

Duration: 0:51

Place: The Cinemas 5

Date: 12 April 2018

Time: 13:00

Duration: 0:51

Place: The Cinemas 1

Date: 14 April 2018

Time: 12:15

Duration: 0:51

Year in





Alexey Rodionov


Patricia Clarkson
Bruno Ganz
Cherry Jones
Emily Mortimer
Cillian Murphy
Kristin Scott Thomas
Timothy Spall


United Kingdom


Anders Refn
Emilie Orsini






Peter Hardt


Christopher Sheppard
Kurban Kassam

Production Company

Adventure Pictures

Production Design

Carlos Conti


Great Point Media


Sally Potter

Sound Design

Jean-Paul Mugel

Year of Production


Sally POTTER (1949, Verenigd Koninkrijk) verliet school op haar zestiende om een carrière als regisseur te beginnen. Als lid van de London Film-Makers’ Co-op maakte ze experimentele korte films. Ze trainde ook als danser en choreograaf op de London School for Contemporary Dance en zong in verschillende bands. Potter won prijzen als kunstenaar en als theater- en filmregisseur, van onder meer Orlando (1992) en The Man Who Cried (2000). In 2012 kreeg ze een koninklijke onderscheiding (OBE) voor haar verdiensten voor de film.




Jerk (1969, short), Play (1970, short), Hors d’oeuvres (1971, short), Thriller (1979, short), The Gold Diggers (1983), The London Story (1986, short), I Am an Ox, I Am a Horse, I Am a Man, I Am a Woman (1988, doc), Orlando (1992), The Tango Lesson (1996), The Man Who Cried (2000), Yes (2004), Rage (2009), Ginger and Rosa (2012), The Party (2017)