11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

No coraçao do mundo (In the Heart of the World) (2019 Feature Film)

Gabriel Martins Alves | Maurílio Martins | Brazil | 2019 | color | DCP | 120′ | Portuguese | e.s.

Fascinating characters inhabit the poor district of Contagem where Gabriel Martins and Maurelio Martins also grew up. No coração do mundo is their declaration of love for this district and its inhabitants: a surprisingly filmed mosaic story about people who continue to work for a better life – against their better judgement.

The heart of the world: that is what Selma yearns for. Not that she has a concrete place in her head. It could be anywhere, as long as she is happier. A better life like that, that’s what all the characters want in the mosaic film No coração do mundo. The film follows the inhabitants of a poor neighborhood in the Brazilian city of Contagem as they attempt to make life easier − something the women tackle with strikingly more energy than the men. Committing a burglary is just as natural as setting up as a school photographer. As long as it earns money.

Gabriel Martins and Maurílio Martins come from this area themselves and base their intriguing characters on people they know. They lovingly capture the district, with surprising camerawork, an excellent cast of professional and amateur actors and an inventive soundtrack, from sugary American ballads to Brazilian rap.

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 11 April 2019

Time: 17:45

Duration: 1:32

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 12 April 2019

Time: 13:30

Duration: 1:32

Year in



Gabriel Martins Alves
Maurílio Martins


Leonardo Feliciano


Kelly Crifer
Leo Pyrata
Grace Passô
Bárbara Colen
Robert Frank
Rute Jeremias
Renato Novaes




Gabriel Martins
Maurílio Martins
Guto Parente






Robert Frank
Geberte Almeida
Kim Gomes


Thiago Macêdo Correira

Production Company

Filmes de Plástico

Production Design

Remenna Procópio


Filmes de Plástico


Gabriel Martins
Maurílio Martins

Sound Design

Thiago Bello
Marcos Lopes

Year of Production


Gabriel MARTINS ALVES (Brazilië) studeerde af in filmmaken aan de Centro Universitário UNA in Belo Horizonte. Naast het maken van korte films, schrijft hij sinds 2007 voor het digitale tijdschrift Filmes Polvo. In 2009 richtte Martins samen met André Novais Oliveira en Maurílio Martins het productiebedrijf Filmes de Plástico op. Met Maurílio maakte hij Contagem (2010). De korte film viel wereldwijd in de prijzen. Hun eveneens samen geregisseerde No coração do mundo ging in première op IFFR 2019.

Maurílio MARTINS (1978, Brazilië) is filmmaker, scenarioschrijver en geluidstechnicus. Daarnaast is hij mede-oprichter van het productiebedrijf Filmes de Plastic. Zijn eerste korte film Contagem (2010), die hij maakte met Gabriel Martins Alves, viel wereldwijd in de prijzen op verschillende festivals over de hele wereld. Het eveneens samen geregisseerde  No coração do mundo ging in première op IFFR 2019. 



Gabriel: (selection) 4 passos (2005, short), Más notícias para franco (2006, short), O choque (2007, short), Beatriz (2008, short), Filme de sábado (2009, short), No final do mundo (2009, short), Pelos de cachorro (2010, short), Contagem (2010, short), Doña Sonia Borrowed a Gun From Her Neighbor Alcides (2011, short), Rapsódia para o Homem Negro (2015, short), No coração do mundo/Heart of the World (2019, co-dir)

Maurílio: (selection) Contagem/The Inside (2010, short, co-dir), Estado de Sítio (2011), Um homem que voa: Nelson Prudencio (2013, short), Quinze/Fifteen (2014, short), Constelações/Constellations (2016, short), No coração do mundo/In the Heart of the World (2019, co-dir)