11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Welterusten Papa (Goodnight Daddy) (2018 Feature Film)

Sharelly EMANUELSON | Curaçao | 2018 | doc | color | DCP | 60′ | Dutch, Papiamentu | e.s.

LOCAL & REGIONAL HISTORY_Cinematographic portrait of various father-daughter relations that shows us an alternative narrative about the presence of fathers in the lives of their daughters and challenges stereotypes about masculinity and fatherhood.


Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 11 April 2019

Time: 22:15

Duration: 1:05

Year in





Sharelly Emanuelson




Sharelly Emanuelson
Pim Gelevert






Sawita Chotkan


Sawita Chotkan

Year of Production


Sharelly EMANUELSON (1986, Curacao) heeft een BA in Audiovisuele Media van de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, HKU in Utrecht, gevolgd door een MA in Artistic Research van de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag. Haar eerste documentaire Su solo i playanan (2010) won een publieksprijs op het Africa in the Picture festival in 2012 en werd vertoond op verschillende festivals en platforms voor publiek debat. Op dit moment werkt zij aan een documentaire over beeldend kunstenaar Geerdine Kuijpers en werkt zij samen met scholieren en Instituto Buena Bista aan een korte film. Naast haar films en video-installaties, richtte zij Uniarte op, een non-profit organisatie geleid door en voor kunstenaars in het Caribisch gebied. 



Su solo i playanan (2010, doc), Yamada (2018, doc), Welterusten Papa/Goodnight Daddy (2018, doc), Geerdine Kuijpers (2018, doc)

Welterusten Papa (Goodnight Daddy) (2018 Feature Film)

LOCAL & REGIONAL HISTORY_Cinematographic portrait of various father-daughter relations that shows us an alternative narrative about the presence of fathers in the lives of their daughters and challenges stereotypes about masculinity and fatherhood.

In Goodnight Daddy, a variety of father-daughter stories are portrayed where we experience the dynamics and influences within the relationship. It shows us an alternative narrative about the presence of fathers in the lives of their daughters. As a result, stereotypes about masculinity and fatherhood are challenged. There is the divorced father who only sees his daughter in the weekends. Or the pensioner father who used to be completely dedicated to his work but now, at an advanced age, finds himself dedicated to the education of his youngest daughter. No matter the age gap, profession, or living situation, the love these fathers and daughters have for each other and the bond they share is evident.

Producer Sawita Chotkan dedicates the film to her father who passed away when she was only 16. Bringing back memories brings her father closer again, who is still present as a compass guiding her through life’s choices. 

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 13 April 2018

Time: 20:00

Duration: 0:45

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 15 April 2018

Time: 15:00

Duration: 0:45

Year in Festival 2019
Director Raymi Sambo
Camera Robert M. Berger
Cast Perla Thissen
  Jaike Belfor
  Erwin Boschmans
  Jonata Taal
Country The Netherlands
Editor Jelle Helwig
Language Dutch
Length 90′
Music Tim Janssens
Producer Barend van Balen
  Dave Damon
Production Company Stichting Raymi Sambo Maakt & WonderPix
Production Design Allard Derksen
Scenario Esther Duysker
  Raymi Sambo
Sound Design Olivier Rekers
Year of Production 2018