11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Jacqueline (Argentine) (2016 Feature Film)

Bernardo Britto | USA | 2016 | 87 min | English, Arabic, Spanish | e.s.

Jacqueline wants to divulge a major government conspiracy, but the media won’t take the bait. Paranoia and boredom alternate while she waits for the media storm in voluntary exile in Argentina, where a naive documentary crew follows her. Light, ironic portrait of a whistleblower in cinéma-vérité style.

From her self-imposed exile in Argentina, Jacqueline Dumont waits – as an unwilling, Edward-Snowden-like heroine – for publicity of her discovery that the CIA wants to kill a minister in the Middle East. A documentary maker follows her on her mission. Filmed in a cinéma-vérité style, Bernardo Britto has created an ironic melodramatic portrait, richly larded with comic timing and detailed observations in the voice-over, spoken by the documentary maker. Britto’s predilection for light-hearted narrative techniques was already visible in a short animation film, Yearbook and Places Where We Lived, but gets sharper in this live-action feature thanks to an impeding anti-climax. While paranoia and boredom start to torment Jacqueline when no news media take an interest in her revelations, the naive film crew starts to wonder whether she really has a story to tell or not.

Place: CINEMA 6

Date: 6 April 2016

Time: 22:30

Duration: 1:30

Place: CINEMA 6

Date: 7 April 2016

Time: 18:45

Duration: 1:30

Place: CINEMA 2

Date: 10 April 2016

Time: 11:15

Duration: 1:30

Year in



Bernardo Britto


Benjamin Cohen
Brett Potter
Taylor Shung
Samantha Zalaznick


Richard Kind
Wyatt Cenac
Camille Rutherford
Alfredo Narciso
Eve Austin
Sasha Dominy
Bert Haelvoet


Bernardo Britto




87 min


Brian McOmber


Benjamin Cohen
Brett Potter
Taylor Shung
Samantha Zalaznick

Production Design

Alexa Haas


Visit Films


Bernardo Britto

Year of Production


Bernardo BRITTO was born in Brazil, grew up in Miami and was educated in film at the Tisch School of Arts in New York. His animation Yearbook (2014) was awarded the Jury Prize for Best Short Film at Sundance.



Bad Kids (2009, short), Nothing Yet (2009, co-dir), Places Where We Lived (2012, short), Wisdom Teeth (2013, co-dir), Yearbook (2014, short), Jacqueline (Argentine) (2016)