11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025
Film professionals and anyone interested in the film industry are cordially invited to attend our presentations and connect with fellow filmmakers present during the 7th edition. Attendance is free and no reservations are required.
Among the filmprofessionals present during the 2018 industry are Jakob Cedergren (main actor, opening film The Guilty), Marcelo Tobar (director, Oso polar), Christine Davila (programmer Yellow Robin Award Competition), Marit van den Elshout (Head of PRO at IFFR), Leah Giblin (Head of Grants for Cinereach), Eloise van Wickeren (Film Commissioner Curacao). Also present are the directors/producers of the films in competition for the Yellow Robin Award: Khalik Allah (Black Mother), Alvaro Aponte-Centeno (El silencio del viento), Shlomo Godder and Vanna Girod (main actress) of Moko Jumbie, Gustavo Ramos Perales (El chata), and Luis and Andres Rodriquez (Hijos de la sal).
How to Get the Money by Andrea Posthuma
Renaissance Hotel 3rd Floor Salon C | THU 12 APR 15:00-16:30
Andrea Posthuma is program manager MEDIA at the Creative Europe Desk NL in Amsterdam. Creative Europe is the European Union’s financial support program for the creative, cultural and audiovisual sectors in Europe. The MEDIA sub-program supports organizations working in film, television, and new media and offers funding, training, and networking opportunities for: producers, video game developers, distributors, sales agents, film festivals, markets and networks, film education specialists and cinema exhibitors.
Creative Europe Desk NL promotes awareness and understanding of Creative Europe and provides free advice and support for applicants from the Netherlands. The Desk maintains intensive close contacts with the central administration of the Creative Europe program in Brussels and the Desks in the other member states. In the Netherlands, the Creative Europe Desk is hosted by DutchCulture, Centre for International Cooperation.
Spectators, Our Film’s Final Destination by Paula Astorga
Renaissance Hotel 3rd Floor Salon C | SAT 14 APR 10:00-11:30
A review on promotion and distribution for independent films ranging from understanding audiences to building communities through creative involvement and current markets innovative trends.
Paula Astorga graduated from Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica. In 2004, she founded the Mexico City International Film Festival. Six years later, she became the director of the Cineteca Nacional Mexico. During her career she has also been part of diverse international juries, such as those of the Miami Film Fest and Director’s Fortnight in Cannes. Next to producing, she has tutored as a consultant for pitching, development, and as script doctor and was part of various selection committees, such as Doha Film Institute Qatar. As the head of production for HOME Films S.C., Astorga is currently producing various Mexican films and series.