To her own amazement, at the age of 31 director Jessica Leski became a big fan of a boy band called One Direction. She decided to make a documentary about the phenomenon of boy bands: where did this craze come from, and how does it affect people? Leski followed fans from different generations, such as Elif (16), who’s mad about One Direction, and twenty-something Sadia, who mailed a newsletter about Backstreet Boys to 12,000 subscribers at the age of 12. And Dara from Australia, who was crazy about Take That – even going into therapy when it got out of hand. Finally Susan, aged 64, was and still is a huge Beatles fan.
Interviews, animations and home videos show what it’s like to be a super fan. These women collect clippings and posters and fantasize about their favorite band members. Leski’s film is much more than an amusing record of hysterical, screaming teenagers; it’s a poignant coming-of-age story about empowerment and not caring what anyone else thinks.