11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Drie vrouwen – Over slavernij en vrijheid (2018 Feature Film)

Ida DOES | Netherlands | 2018 | doc | color | DCP | 50′ | Dutch | n.s.

LOCAL & REGIONAL HISTORY_The facades of listed buildings in The Hague and Amsterdam hide stories of slavery perpetrated by the Netherlands. In this documentary three women argue in favor of respectful recognition of this painful chapter in the country’s history. What does this past tell us about contemporary Dutch identity? And what does it mean for the descendants of the enslaved?

A few years ago when researcher Ellen-Rose Kambel’s curiosity about her own family history was piqued, she discovered that her ancestors had been enslaved by members of a prominent Dutch family. Centuries after the events, her findings still prove capable of stirring up controversy. Heritage expert Valika Smeulders relates the scarcely known stories behind Dutch trading successes; behind every rich Dutch coffee or sugar plantation owner were countless enslaved people with no rights. Finally, Winti priest Marian Markelo sheds her light on Winti culture, the religion that linked the enslaved in Suriname to their African roots.

In this cinematic exposition, Three Women – About Slavery and Freedom, three strong women – each in their own way – retell the story of one of the most painful periods of Dutch history. A horrific era that still resonates through the lives of the slaves’ descendants. Filmmaker Ida Does intersperses the personal stories with musical cinematic sequences and brief animations that contribute to the development of sadness, consciousness-raising and the much yearned-for recognition.

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 12 April 2018

Time: 19:30

Duration: 0:40

Place: The Cinemas 3

Date: 13 April 2018

Time: 15:30

Duration: 0:40

Year in





Jurgen Lisse


Ellen-Rose Kambel
Marian Markelo
Valika Smeulders
Juna Leocaria
Xenia Watson
Artur den Hartog
Edwina Hodges




Cam Does






Ida Does

Production Company

Ida Does Productions



Ida Does

Sound Design

Bob Kommer Studio’s

Year of Production


Ida DOES (1955, Suriname) studied at the Media Academie in Hilversum and the Binger Film Institute in Amsterdam (NL). She also worked as an editor and journalist for various media in the Netherlands, Suriname, and Aruba. Since 2007, Does has operated as an independent documentary maker and producer. She has previously made films about famous Surinamese p eople: Anton de Kom and Trefossa.



(selection) Mi a no mi – Ik ben niet ik, Trefossa/I Am Not I, Trefossa (2008, short doc), Ik ben een indo ja en zo wil ik leven (2008, short doc), Vandaag schijnt de zon, levensbericht van Anton de Kom 1898-1945 (2009, short doc), De schreeuw van Bastion Veere (2009, short doc), Portraits of Four Woman Artists of Aruba (2010, short doc), Bon bini in Amsterdam (2011, TV), Vrede – Herinneringen aan Anton de Kom/Peace – Memories of Anton de Kom (2012, short doc), Laga Bai (2012, short doc), Poetry Is an Island, Derek Walcott (2013, doc), Sporen van Smaragd, Indisch erfgoed in Den Haag (2014, short doc), Amsterdam, sporen van suiker/Amsterdam, Traces of Sugar (2017, doc), Drie vrouwen – Over slavernij en vrijheid (2018, short doc)