11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Cold War (Zimna wojna) (2019 Feature Film)

Pawel Pawlikoswki | Poland, France, United Kingdom | 2018 | b/w | DCP | 88′ | Polish, French | e.s.

An epic, doomed romance, set on either side of the Iron Curtain. In a scant 80 minutes, Cold War not only documents the entire history of the love between Polish musician Wiktor and his muse Zula, but also that of the developing musical movements in Eastern and Western Europe, which they encounter on their flight.

Musician Wiktor (Tomasz Kot) goes in search of new talent in rural, post-war Poland. There he meets the young Zula (Joanna Kulig), his dream woman. In Poland, their love cannot get what it needs: music, artistry, freedom. This is the start of an epic love story of people on the run, set on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

Award-winning director Pawel Pawlikowski was inspired to make this intimate drama in eye-popping black and white by his own parent’s love story. The title Cold War not only pertains to the icy relations between Eastern and Western Europe, but also to those between the often bickering couple. More often than is good for them, Wiktor and Zula have to cross borders to hold each other. Cold War was nominated for three Oscars for the beautiful images, the supreme direction and the compelling, painful, romantic story.

Place: The Cinemas 6

Date: 10 April 2019

Time: 20:00

Duration: 1:12

Place: The Cinemas 1

Date: 12 April 2019

Time: 15:00

Duration: 1:12

Place: The Cinemas 1

Date: 14 April 2019

Time: 10:30

Duration: 1:12

Year in



Pawel Pawlikoswki


Lukasz Zal


Joanna Kulig
Tomasz Kot


United Kingdom


Jaroslaw Kaminski





Year of Production


Pawel PAWLIKOWSKI (1957, Polen) werd geboren in Warschau en verhuisde op veertienjarige leeftijd eerst naar Groot-Brittannië, Duitsland en Italië, voordat hij zich in 1977 definitief in Groot-Brittannië vestigde. Hij studeerde literatuur en filosofie in Londen en Oxford, en maakte diverse prijswinnende televisiedocumentaires. Vervolgens richtte hij zich op het maken van speelfilms. Ida (2013) won de Oscar voor Beste Buitenlandse Film. Cold War (2018) leverde Pawlikowski in Cannes de prijs voor Beste Regisseur op. De film werd daarnaast genomineerd voor drie Oscars.



(selection) Lucifer over Lancashire (1987, doc), Extraordinary Adventures (1988, short), Vaclav Havel (1989, doc), From Moscow to Pietushki (1991, doc), Serbian Epics (1992, doc), Dostoevky’s Travels (1992, doc), Tripping with Zhirinovsky (1995, doc), The Stringer (1998), Twockers (1999, short), Last Resort (2000), My Summer of Love (2004), La femme du Vème/The Woman in the Fifth (2011), Ida (2013), Zimna wojna/Cold War (2018)