11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Hijos de la sal (Children of the Salt) (2018 Feature Film) Nominee

Luis and Andrés RODRÍGUEZ | Venezuela | 2018 | color | DCP | 95′ | Spanish | e.s.

In Cumaragues, Venezuela an elderly father and his pubescent children survive by harvesting salt from the sea. After father Evaristo dies, Enrique and Maria live alone. Isolated from the outside world they become increasingly distanced, whilst their lust starts to blossom. Beautifully shot drama set in the captivating salt pans.

Luxuriant, absorbing family drama set in the salt pans of Cumaragues, Venezuela. After the death of their father, Evaristo, the lives of Enrique (13) and Maria (16) get a lot harder. The brutal reality of harvesting sea salt coincides with their blossoming sexuality. Their lives of solitude drive brother and sister further apart whilst awakening lust makes itself known.

Hijos de la sal is the second feature film by Luis and Andrés Rodríguez, and was shot entirely on location in the Paraguaná peninsula: a breathtakingly picturesque place. Sound plays a major role in the film; the almost tangible presence of the wind, waves and music lend it a magic-realist edge. With their ample documentary-making experience the Rodríguez brothers present the story as a visual poem using warm images and associative editing.

Place: The Cinemas 6

Date: 13 April 2018

Time: 21:00

Duration: 1:13

Place: The Cinemas 6

Date: 13 April 2018

Time: 21:00

Duration: 1:13

Place: The Cinemas 6

Date: 15 April 2018

Time: 12:45

Duration: 1:13

Year in



Luis and Andrés RODRÍGUEZ


Juan Lamata


María Alejandra Jiménez
Terry Goitía
José Torres
Aníbal Grunn
Yixi Villegas
Jesús Vergara
Aris Belén Mena




Carlos Mendoza






Mike Durán
Jim Durán


Luis Rodríguez
Andrés Rodríguez
Rafael Monsalve

Production Company

Factor Productions

Production Design

Luis Rodríguez
Andrés Rodríguez


Factor Productions


Carlos Tabares
Luis Rodríguez
Andrés Rodríguez

Sound Design

Fahil Flores

Year of Production


Luis en Andrés RODRÍGUEZ (1974, Venezuela) zijn beiden werkzaam als regisseur, scenarioschrijver, fotograaf en producent. Tijdens hun studie Arts and Cinematography aan de Central University of Venezuela werkten zij aan een sociaal project voor verlaten kinderen. Sindsdien combineren de broers Rodríguez hun passie voor film met hun missie om de situatie van minderbedeelden en vluchtelingen te verbeteren. 



(selection) Paisajes del alma/Landscapes of the Soul (2006, TV series, 12 episodes), Cultura al día/Up to Date Culture (2006-2008, TV series, 42 episodes), Después de la lluvia/After the Rain (2008, doc), Ciego de nieve/Blind of Snow (2008, short), Las Cumaraguas, sal roja/The Cumaraguas, Red Salt (2008, doc), Che Guevara, la aventura sudamericana/Che Guevara’s South American Epic (2008, TV series, six episodes), Elizabeth Schön, alma fugitiva/Elizabeth Schön, Runaway Soul (2009, doc), Manos mansas/Tender Hands (2011, doc), Los sueños de José Castillo/José Castillo’s Dreams (2012, doc), El retorno/The Return (2012, short), Brecha en el silencio/Breach into the Silence (2012), El hijo/The Son (2013, short), Sahara, esperando el vuelo/Sahara, Waiting Flight (2013, doc), Refugios/Shelters (2014, doc), Cenizas de la memoria/Ashes of the Memory (2015, short), Favio, la estética de la ternura/Favio, the Aesthetics of Tenderness (2015, doc), Fidel entre nosotros/Fidel Among Us (2016, doc), Salmerón Acosta, voces de Manicuare/Salmerón Acosta, Voices of Manicuare (2016, doc), Hijos de la sal/Children of the Salt (2018)