11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025

Mi ta hasi mi kos (2016 Feature Film)

Bio of Rina Penso, one of Curaçao’s leading actors, with tons of archival footage and interviews. Friends, colleagues and, naturally, Penso herself talk about her talent, drive and love of theater: “For me, theater is like coming home.”

Ogasavara (2016 Short Film)

Murad and Masha are getting married. But their romantic date dynamite fishing takes a surprising turn. A whimsical tale of love, death and stop-motion.

Original Copy (2016 Feature Film)

Every morning the projectionist at Alfred Talkies blesses the cinema and its staff. The old building in Mumbai Central has been showing Hindi films for 80 years, films as colourful as the billboards that S. Rehman makes every week. Melancholy portrait of a disappearing cinema culture.

A orillas del mar (By the Sea) (2016 Feature Film) Nominee

When dad disappears from their fishing village, his teen son goes in search of his missing parent. He even scours the city where the living is harder than he thought. Safety and unconditional parental love are hard to find in this social drama. However, the teen encounters humanity in the least expected places.

Presos (Imprisoned) (2016 Feature Film)

Feature film drama from Costa Rica about a young woman who comes to face unexpected, complex choices. Victoria’s new employer puts her in touch with a prisoner who intrigues her enormously. Her neatly ordered life soon comes unstuck.