11th edition CIFF – 9-13 April 2025


Curaçao IFFR Youth Short Film Competition ‘Short Movies, BIG Stories’ 2013

The Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam presents: Curaçao IFFR Youth Short Film Competition ‘Short Movies, BIG Stories’

Wanted: young movie talents on Curaçao!

The Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam (Curaçao IFFR) wants to show you that there are many more interesting movies and documentaries than those you see in the cinema or on television. And you can make them too! With a flip cam, a photo camera or simply with your mobile phone. We are very curious to learn how you see the world through the lens of your camera.

Therefore, the Curaçao IFFR has organized a competition for youth of Curaçao between the ages of 13 and 21. You have a chance to win ANG 1,000.- and a trip to the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) 2014.


There are two prizes to win in the Curaçao IFFR Youth Short Movie Competition, the Jury Award and the Audience Award.

Jury Award: ANG 1,000.- per genre

The jury consists of a team of five professional film and theater makers, producers and artists. They will look at all entries and choose the best four movies. Only one movie will be selected per genre (Documentary, Fiction, Music Video, and Animation). Thus a total of four movies will be selected by the jury that win ANG 1,000.- each.

If a movie has been made by a group (max. three persons), the members of that group will divide the ANG 1,000.- among themselves.

The four award winning movies will be shown at the Curaçao IFFR 2013.

Jury decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Audience Award: A fully paid trip to the IFFR 2014 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

You will visit the final weekend of the IFFR 2014 and present your movie.
The audience of the Curaçao IFFR 2013 will watch the four award winning movies and choose its favorite. This movie will receive the Audience Award.

The winner or winners (max. three persons) will each receive a ticket and a fully paid trip to the IFFR 2014. So a maximum of three (3) people will go to Rotterdam.


Choose a genre and theme(s) for your movie and send it to the Curaçao IFFR.

a. Choose a genre

  1. Documentary
  2. Fiction
  3. Music video
  4. Animation

A documentary is a story about a specific subject, told through images and interviews that have not been staged.

A fiction movie is a staged story played by actors.

A music video is a montage of images and music that are used to tell a story.

An animation gives the illusion of movement by consecutively playing back different still images, so-called frames.

b. Choose a theme

  1. All That Salsa
  2. Miracles
  3. Forgotten Trades


There are some conditions you must meet.

  • The movie must not exceed five (5) minutes in length.
  • The entry must be delivered in MOV H264 – 23.97 fps 720p or 1080p aspect 16:9 format.
  • The movie must be made within one of the four genres.
  • The movie must cover at least one of the three themes.
  • You may only enter one (1) movie per person or group.
  • A group must not consist of more than three (3) persons. All group members must meet all conditions.
  • You must be registered in Curaçao.
  • You must be between the ages of 13 and 21.

* Send your movie no later than 28 February 2013 to: projectciffr@gmail.com to the attention of Giordana Jansen


Your movie will be judged on the following:

  1. Originality and creativity
  2. Development of the theme: How have you incorporated the chosen theme into the movie?
  3. The script: Make sure the story and/or message is clear.
  4. Technique; image and sound: Use the camera and microphone as a tool to enhance your story and/or message.
  5. Direction: From the spot where you place your camera to record to the font you use for the credits; in a movie everything has a purpose and reason. Make sure that all these choices work together to enhance your story and/or message.
  6. Montage: How have you edited the images you shot? Does the order of the images make sense?

For more information e-mail: info@curacaoiffr.com

Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam supplements the films on offer on Curaçao by screening independent and artistic films, documentaries and short movies. The festival program, with a focus on Caribbean and Latin-American films, includes educational activities and school projects. The objective of these activities is to offer an alternative for the mainstream cinema, an introduction to the kind of cinema the Curaçao IFFR offers, introduced by experts and supported by teaching materials. By showing an alternative world view and transferring knowledge about the medium, the Curaçao IFFR aims to increase awareness and knowledge of media and stimulate youths to develop an active attitude toward creating and showing their own original ideas.