Love & Friendship (2016 Feature Film)

Cheerful, effervescent Jane Austen film – and this time not an Austen that has been filmed countless times. A free adaptation of Lady Susan, a novella about a pretty widow who shakes up the lives of everyone around her in a villainous way. Fresh acting, spirited writing.
Lilting (2016 Feature Film)

After Kai’s sudden death, his British boyfriend Richard tries to get to know Junn, Kai’s Asian mother. She however speaks no English and doesn’t know her son was gay. Can an interpreter offer a solution to Richard and Junn or is more needed?
Landfill Harmonic (2016 Feature Film)

Violins, flutes, drums: the instruments played by the members of the poverty-stricken Paraguayan youth orchestra in the documentary Landfill Harmonic are made from waste. The film explains how music has unexpectedly offered these children a brighter future.
Land of Mine (Under sandet) (2016 Feature Film)

The horror of World War II throws a harrowing shadow in this intense drama about captured German soldiers who are forced to neutralize the remaining landmines along the Danish coast. An interesting game with the viewer’s sympathy, in which every scene is fraught with tension.
Lamb (2016 Feature Film)

A realistic children’s film with mature undertones. About a boy who grows up without parents in the harsh mountains of northern Ethiopia, but also about the adults around him. And yes, it’s also about his sheep – his best friend, who is in danger of being sacrificed.
La luz incidente (Incident Light) (2016 Feature Film)

Shot in beautiful and appropriate black-and-white, Rotter’s third film after Solo por hoy/Just for Today and El otro/The Other, is an intimate tale about family, mourning and love. In 1960s Buenos Aires, a beautiful, young, single mother cares for her twins after the sudden death of her husband. Then a new admirer appears.
Jacqueline (Argentine) (2016 Feature Film)

Jacqueline wants to divulge a major government conspiracy, but the media won’t take the bait. Paranoia and boredom alternate while she waits for the media storm in voluntary exile in Argentina, where a naive documentary crew follows her. Light, ironic portrait of a whistleblower in cinéma-vérité style.
High-Rise (2016 Feature Film)

Stylised, virtuoso drama by Ben Wheatley (Sightseers). A doctor moves into a luxury apartment building, an autonomous community where everyone knows their proper place. Then a class rebellion develops and the residents unite in murderous gangs – with surrealist, hysterical and post-apocalyptic consequences.
Heart of a Monster (2016 Short Film)

A man goes out to battle a monster that has plagued his village for centuries. Filmed on location in Curaçao in cooperation with staff and students of art institute Instituto Buena Bista en CIFFR.
Good Friday (2016 Feature Film) Nominee

If you have a sick child and no funds for a cure, you can only hope for a miracle. While the Colombian spouse seeks help through secular, political channels, his devout wife hopes for help from above. Miraculous drama with wry elements about compassion, hope and an odd miracle.